Wednesday 5 September 2012

Freedom Spark Playlist // September

Evening! I'm back home after spending my 20th celebrations by the sea with a lot of black lace, killer heels and champers- Goodbye teenage angst! This week also involved: Fucking up my hand and ending up on codeine, crying with laughter at horror films thanks to said painkillers, chilli sauce dares, hunting down the only shop on the island that sold honey Jack Daniels, adopting the word "prinny", insisting on showing a completely empty bar how Scouse we were by spending stupid amounts of money on the jukebox and only playing 'Brothers & Sisters' on repeat, "Robinsons fruit van reversing" EVERY FUCKING MORNING, blueberry haze at 11am, "Why are you all dressed like you're off to prom?", hiding from beach patrol, the breaking of both a lawnmower and a strimmer in the space of five minutes, "If you don't cry, I'll give you some ham" bribes, yin yang nails, speeding down mountain roads whilst pre-drinking in the back and singing Willy Wonka songs to Grand Prix passers-by, being shocked that Manx gaelic is still even in use, "I own the Ferrari of all irons", sufficient trampoline injuries, Douglas having record temperatures and doing hangover breakfast the only way we know how- in matching tracksuits. It's all well and good though because I move back to Manchester on Monday! I can't wait, the Factory family, Bramall traditions, old faces, new faces, the works! A new month needs a new playlist (obviously) and my Freedom Spark playlist for September is now up HERE! It includes Kendrick Lamar, Sweet Valley, Tours, White Lung and a little nod to Pussy Riot, enjoy! X
Words by Yours Truly

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